Test Series - Data Structure

Test Number 93/115

Q: What is the other name for Suffix Tree?
A. Array
B. Stack
C. Priority Queue
D. PAT Tree
Solution: In computer science, a suffix tree is also known as PAT tree or position tree. It is a compressed search tree or prefix tree in which keys contain the suffix of text values as the text position.
Q: Which tree allows fast implementation of string operation?
A. Rope Tree
B. Suffix Tree
C. Tango Tree
D. Top Tree
Solution: In computer science, a suffix tree is also known as PAT tree or position tree. It is a compressed search tree or prefix tree in which keys contain the suffix of text values as the text position. It allows fast string operation to be carried out by the user.
Q: How much time does construction of suffix tree take?
A. O (log M)
B. O (M!)
C. Exponential to Length of Tree
D. Linear to Length of Tree
Solution: Suffix tree is also known as PAT tree or position tree. It is a compressed search tree or prefix tree in which keys contain the suffix of text values as the text position. It allows fast string operation. Total time taken for construction of suffix tree is linear to the length of the tree.
Q: How much space does construction of suffix tree takes?
A. O (log M)
B. Exponential to Length of Tree
C. O (M!)
D. Linear to Length of Tree
Solution: Suffix tree is also known as PAT tree or position tree. It is a compressed search tree or prefix tree in which keys contain the suffix of text values as the text position. It allows fast string operation. Total space taken for construction of a suffix tree is linear to the length of the tree.
Q: Which tree provides a linear time solution for substring operation?
A. Rope Tree
B. Suffix Tree
C. Tango Tree
D. Top Tree
Solution: It is a compressed search tree or prefix tree in which keys contain the suffix of text values as the text position. It allows fast string operation to be carried out by the user. The substring operation can be performed by suffix tree in linear time.
Q: Who proposed the concept of Suffix Tree?
A. Weiner
B. Samuel F. B. Morse
C. Friedrich Clemens Gerke
D. Alexander Morse
Solution: In computer science, a suffix tree is also known as PAT tree or position tree. It is a compressed search tree or prefix tree in which keys contain the suffix of text values as the text position. The concept of Suffix Tree was introduced by Weiner in 1973.
Q: Who among the following provided the first online contribution of Suffix Tree?
A. Weiner
B. Samuel F. B. Morse
C. Ukkonen
D. Alexander Morse
Solution: In computer science, a suffix tree is also known as PAT tree or position tree. The concept of Suffix Tree was introduced by Weiner in 1973. Ukkonen provided the first online contribution of Suffix tree which had the time complexity of the fastest algorithm of that period.
Q: What is the time complexity of Uttkonen’s algorithm?
A. O (log n!)
B. O (n!)
C. O (n2)
D. O (n log n)
Solution: The concept of Suffix Tree was introduced by Weiner in 1973. Ukkonen provided the first online contribution of Suffix tree which had the time complexity of the fastest algorithm of that period. Ukkonen’s algorithm had a time complexity of n log n.
Q: Who among the following provided the first suffix tree contribution for all alphabet?
A. Weiner
B. Farach
C. Ukkonen
D. Alexander Morse
Solution: The concept of Suffix Tree was introduced by Weiner in 1973. Ukkonen provided the first online contribution of Suffix tree which had the time complexity of the fastest algorithm of that period. Farach gave the first suffix tree contribution for all alphabets in 1997.
Q: Who among the following algorithm is used in external memory and compression of the suffix tree?
A. Weiner’s algorithm
B. Farach’s algorithm
C. Ukkonen’s algorithm
D. Alexander Morse
Solution: The concept of Suffix Tree was introduced by Weiner in 1973. Ukkonen provided the first online contribution of the Suffix tree. Farach gave the first suffix tree contribution for all alphabets in 1997. Farach’s algorithm is used in external memory and compression.

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